Goats for Sale

All of our goats come with a detailed care plan, some hay, grain, kelp & minerals (if you don't have them), and Vitamin B complex. The sale also includes herbal parasite and gut soother mix along with the recipes. Our kids are dam-raised, very well socialized and friendly.  Doelings, bucklings & wethers come with milk & nipple to wean if leaving before 3 months of age. You can choose the name of your kid and registration will be sent directly to you. We can register with MDGA and/or TMGR.  Our herd is clean tested yearly for the big three. Scroll down to see available kids and/or breeding pairs. Breeding stock are $350-$500 (depending on milk stars, lineage, rare features, etc.). Wethers are $150. 

Contact Ali-K Packa
(907) 232-1667
[email protected] 

Klondy's Twinkle 2*D x Chinook Wind CK Fledge 2025

F2 50/50 Miniature Alpines, Due April 8th, 2025
Twinkle made 7.2 pounds on her first milk test and earned her one-day milk star. She passed her second test with 5.8 pounds and 3.9% fat. She has nice rear attachments with large easy-to express teats. We are very impressed with her as an FF! Scroll down to see last year's kids.

Contact me to get on a list for spring kids.

Dam, Twinkle


AM milking, 47 DIM

Fledge and Twinkle

Fledge, a few months old

Zuzanna all time milk record holder; Fledge's Great grandam

Fledge's grandma, Sexy Baguette, milk test results

Fledge's grandad's lineage

Cassiopea AR*D x Chinook Wind CK Fledge 2025

Super high producer (9.1 pounds at 109 days), large teats and orifices. Long lactation. Great feet and coat. We love this doe!!

Fledge's Alpine dam

Fledge's Alpine dam

Fledge's Alpine dam

Elena's Kids - Registered Nigerian Dwarf

Keep checking! Breeding her in the fall for Spring 2025 kids.


Elena with kids on her



Klondy's Twinkle 2*D x Chinook Wind CK Fledge 2024

F2 50/50 Miniature Alpines, Kidded day 149, April 21st '24 with two bucklings
Twinkle made 7.2 pounds in a recent milk test and earned her one-day milk star. She has nice rear attachments with large easy-to express teats. We are very impressed with her as an FF!

Bucklings are sold.


Dam, Twinkle


AM milking, 47 DIM

Fledge and Twinkle

Fledge, a few months old

Twinkle, 1.5 years


Twinkle's full sister: Klondy's Windy 2*D

Twinkle's littermate sister Windy FF

Twinkle's littermate sister Windy 2F

Zuzanna all time milk record holder; Fledge's Great grandam

Fledge's grandma, Sexy Baguette, milk test results

Fledge's grandad's lineage

Klondy AR*D x Duke

F2 50/50 Miniature Alpines, Kidded day 150, April 22nd '24

Quads: Two polled doelings and two bucklings (one polled, one horned). See more pictures on the Packa Sweets FB page.

All babies sold. 


Duke and Klondy

Klondy, third freshening

Klondy 3F

Milk test results at peak (11.8 lbs)

Milk test results post 200 days in milk