Our Miniature Alpine Dairy Goats

To see milk test awards for Klondy and Cassiopea, visit the TMGR Milk Test Awards.

Wasilla Lights Jewel's Klondy AR*D

F1 50/50 Doe
DOB: 4/25/18

Raven Cove AP Cassiopea AR*D

F1 50/50 Doe
DOB: 3/3/20

Packa Sweets Klondy's Twinkle 2*D

F2 50/50 Doe
DOB: 4/6/22

Packa Sweets KD Blue Feather

F2 50/50 Doe
DOB: 4/22/24

Capri-Rose Elena

Nigerian Dwarf Doe
DOB: 8/17/19

Wasilla Lights Jewel's Klondy AR*D

Klondy Milk Production  

11.8 lbs at 76 DIM (days in milk), 2022
10 lbs of milk at 101 DIM, 2022

1/2 gallon every other day at over 550 DIM, 2023 

To see milk test awards for Klondy, visit the TMGR Milk Test Awards.

(8.34 lbs = 1 gallon). 


Klondy has a huge udder and is nice and wide. She has a nice U shape, lovely medial separation, large teats, high production, and long lactation. Her side attachments aren't the best, so her udder does swing quite a bit when she walks.  It usually sticks out the back a bit more, but in the profile picture below it seems to be more forward. She has almost no pocket on her front attachment.

Kidding History

2020 FF: 3
2021 2F: 5 (3 does, 2 bucks)
2022 3F: 5 (4 does, 1 buck)
2024 4F: expected April 2024 

Klondy kids with no assistance. She is amazing! We help dry off the babies and make sure everyone gets colostrum. For the first batch of 5, I made sure the two smallest doelings got to eat every couple hours during the day for the first couple days, and offered a bottle to everyone from then on in addition to mom. The two boys were sold as bottle babies at 2 months old, and Klondy raised the other three to 3 months no problem. The second time she had 5, I sold one as a bottle baby early on, then separated and bottle fed the buckling at 8 weeks old, and sold a doeling as a bottle baby at 8 weeks. She raised the other two to 3 months.

Personality & Coat/Feet

Klondy is very sweet and loves hugs and kisses. She stands perfectly still on the milking stand. My 4 and 6 year old milk her with no problems. She doesn't have the best winter coat or the best feet, so I'm trying to breed that into her line. Her coat is doing much better on the mineral buffet though! 

Raven Cove AP Cassiopea AR*D

Results from the MDGA Spring Virtual Show: https://www.mdgavshowspring2022.net/senior-does-2-under-3-3

This is Cassiopea at about 6 months old.

We waited until she was 2 to breed her. She got pretty fat off of hay and water. The vet told me not to feed her any grain while she was pregnant. I started about a month before kidding to slowly work her up to 2 cups a day.

Cassiopea was pushing hard for more than 45 minutes, so I went in and gently massaged her cervix. I tried to feel what was going on but I couldn't really tell. Finally the first baby started coming out but got stuck with her tail sticking out. She finally pushed her out and I thought it was dead! But she kicked to life and was just fine. The other two came out no problem.

Cassiopea has an awesome winter coat and well-formed feet.

Here is Cassiopea in the winter with her buddy and half-sister, Calliope.

I entered Cassiopea in the MDGA virtual show. She got 3rd place by one judge, and 2nd place by the other. Here's what they said:

 2nd Place: "She is more balanced in width from the top of the udder to the udder floor."
3rd Place:  "She has a more capacious udder that is higher and wider in the escutcheon area and when viewed from the side equal thirds of the udder can be seen.  Entry A does grant to Entry E showing a clear dairy wedge when viewed from the top in Dairy Character."

Cassiopea has nice big teats and big loose orifices. Her udder is really tight though. I prefer soft udders (like Klondy).

This was early in lactation. These two are amazing producers!

Packa Sweets Klondy's Twinkle 2*D

7.2 lbs and 5.8 lbs in milk tests 2024